发布时间: 2020-05-20 浏览次数: 6431








2004-2008 山东师范大学 本科

2008-2014 云南天文台,博士

2014-2016 紫金山天文台,博士后

2016-2019 紫金山天文台,助理研究员

2019-至今 云顶4008网站(中国)有限公司,副教授



云顶4008网站一流学科特设岗位A类: 2019-2022






3.国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,11933010,中子星并合事件电磁辐射的观测与研究,2020/01-2024/12320万元,在研,参与 (支配金额40万)





1.    Neng-Hui Liao*, LShang Li, Zhen-Feng Sheng, and Yi-Zhong Fan, Detections of Simultaneous Brightening of γ-Ray and Optical Emissions of a Distant Blazar GB 1508+5714 at Redshift 4.3, 2020, ApJL, 898, L56

2.    Neng-Hui Liao*, Li-Ming Dou, Ning Jiang, Yi-Bo Wang, Yi-Zhong Fan, and Ting-Gui Wang*, Multi-wavelength Variability Properties of CGRaBS J0733+0456: Identifying a Distant Gamma-Ray Blazar at z=3.01, 2019, ApJL, 879, L9

3.    Nenghui Liao*, Shang Li, Yi-Zhong Fan*, Fermi-LAT Detection of a Transient γ-Ray Source in the Direction of a Distant Blazar B3 1428+422 at z = 4.72Astrophysical Journal Letter2018.9.278652),17~23

4.    Nenghui Liao*, Fast γ-ray Variability: A Common Feature and Powerful Probe for Jetted AGNs, 2018, Galaxies, 6, 68

5.    Neng-Hui Liao*, Yu-Liang Xin, Xu-Liang Fan, Shan-Shan Weng, Shao-Kun Li, Liang Chen, Yi-Zhong Fan*, Discovery of γ-Ray Emission from the Radio-intermediate Quasar III Zw 2: Violent Jet Activity with Intraday γ-Ray VariabilityAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series2016.10.122262):17~29

6.    N. H. Liao*, J. M. Bai*, H. T. Liu, S. S. Weng, Liang Chen, and F. Li, Multiwavelength variability properties of Fermi blazar s5 0716+714Astrophysical Journal2014.3.107832, 83~99

7.    N. H. Liao*, J. M. Bai, Rapid high-amplitude gamma-ray variability in blazar PKS 0507+17, 2015, New Astronomy 34 134138

8.    Neng-Hui Liao*, Jin-Ming Bai*, Jian-Guo Wang, Hong-Tao Liu, Jiu-Jia Zhang, Ning Jiang, Zun-Li Yuan, Liang Chen, Is BZB J1450+5201 the most distant gamma-ray BL Lacertae object?, 2015, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15, 313

9.    Shang Li, Lu-Ming Sun, Neng-Hui Liao*, and Yi-Zhong Fan*, Awakening of Two Gamma-Ray High-redshift, Flat-spectrum Radio Quasars in the Southern Hemisphere, 2020, ApJ, 900, 72

10.   Xiao-Lei Guo, Yu-Liang Xin, Neng-Hui Liao*, and Yi-Zhong Fan*, The Circinus Galaxy Revisited with 10-yr Fermi-LAT Data, 2019, ApJ, 885, 117

11.   Shang Li, Ziqing Xia, Yunfeng LiangNenghui Liao*Yi-Zhong Fan*Fast γ-ray variability in blazars beyond redsift 3Astrophysical Journal2018.2.18532),159~170

12.   Xuliang Fan*Qingwen Wu*, Nenghui Liao*Constraints on the Composition, Magnetization, and Radiative Efficiency in the Jets of Blazars, 2018, Astrophysical Journal, 861, 97



1.    DAMPE Collaboration, Direct detection of a break in the teraelectronvolt cosmic-ray spectrum of electrons and positrons, 2017, Nature, 552, 63

2.    DAMPE Collaboration, Measurement of the cosmic ray proton spectrum from 40 GeV to 100 TeV with the DAMPE satellite, 2019, Science Advances, 5, 3793

3.    DAMPE Collaboration, The on-orbit calibration of DArk Matter Particle Explorer, 2019, Astroparticle Physics, Volume 106, p. 18-34.

4.    DAMPE Collaboration, The DArk Matter Particle Explorer mission, 2017, Astroparticle Physics, Volume 95, p. 6-24.

5.    DAMPE Collaboration, DAMPE detection of strong variable GeV gamma-ray emission from the FSRQ PKS1830-211, 2020, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12705

6.    DAMPE Collaboration, DAMPE detection of GeV gamma-ray flare from FSRQ S4 1800+44, 2020, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12562


1.       Jin, Zhi-Ping; Covino, Stefano; Liao, Neng-Hui; Li, Xiang; D'Avanzo, Paolo; Fan, Yi-Zhong*; Wei, Da-Ming, 2020, Nature Astronomy, 4, 77-82

2.       Weng, S.-S., Chen, Y., Wang, T.-T., et al.  2020,  MNRAS, 491, 2576

3.       Xin, Y.-L., Liao, N.-H., Guo, X.-L., et al.  2018,  ApJ, 867, 55

4.       Berton, M., Liao, N.~H., La Mura, G., et al.  2018,  A&A, 614, A148

5.       Fan, X.-L., Li, S.-K., Liao, N.-H., et al.  2018,  ApJ, 856, 80

6.       Zhang, C., Liang, Y.-F., Li, S., et al.  2018,  PRD, 97, 063009

7.       Yuan, Q., Liao, N.-H., Xin, Y.-L., et al.  2018,  ApJL, 854, L18

8.       Zhang, P.-. fei ., Zhang, P., Liao, Nenghui ., et al.  2018,  ApJ, 853, 193

9.       Guo, X.-L., Xin, Y.-L., Liao, N.-H., et al.  2018,  ApJ, 853, 2

10.      Wang, H., Zhang, F.-W., Wang, Y.-Z., et al.  2017,  ApJL, 851, L18

11.      Xin, Y.-L., Guo, X.-L., Liao, N.-H., et al.  2017,  ApJ, 843, 90

12.      Zhang, P.-. fei ., Yan, D.-. hai ., Liao, N.-. hui ., et al.  2017,  ApJ, 842, 10

13.      Zhang, P.-. fei ., Yan, D.-. hai ., Liao, N.-. hui ., et al.  2017,  ApJ, 835, 260

14.      Wang, Y.-Z., Wang, H., Zhang, S., et al.  2017,  ApJ, 836, 81

15.      Guo, X.-L., Xin, Y.-L., Liao, N.-H., et al.  2017,  ApJ, 835, 42

16.      Li, S., Liang, Y.-F., Duan, K.-K., et al.  2016,  PRD, 93, 043518

17.      Fan, X.-L., Bai, J.-M., Liu, H.-T., et al.  2012, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 12, 1475